Книги по аквариумистике

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Ad Konigs. Konigs 's Book of Cichlids and All the Other Fishes of Lake Malawi, T.F.H. Publications. USA.
Axelrod H,R. & Burgess W.E., African Cichlids of Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika, T.F.H.
Publications, USA.
Baensch H.A. & Riel R., Aquarien Atlas, Bd 1-5, Mergus Verlag, Hans A.Baesch, BRD.
Fryer G.& Lies T.D., The Cichlid Fishes of the Great Lakes of Africa: Their Biology and Evolution, Oliver & Boyd. Ltd., Edinburgh, UK.
Linke H. & Staeck W., Afrikanische Cichliden 1,2. Tetra - Verlag, Melle, BRD.
Lukacs Laszlo & Sinko Gabor, A Tanganyika Es A Malawi To Sugervilaga, Kiadja az In-West Kft, Budapest, Hungary.
Mayland H.J., Grosse Aquarienpraxis, Landbuch-Verlag GmbH, Hannover, BRD.
Ufermann A. - Allgayer R. - Geerts M., Cichlid Catalogue, Volume 1, Imprimerie Martin,
Brumath, France.

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